Amazon Discounts

Discounts The saying that you don’t get anything for free is a valid one, however you do sometimes get something discounted and not because ‘it fell of the back of a lorry’. Various sites offer discounts or coupons, but these tend to be slightly frustrating as they are only valid for a limited time and …

Getting a Good Layer Mask With Gimp

GIMP? GIMP is a very well equipt piece of open source software that in many ways rivals Photoshop. It’s generally my go to piece of software for editing pictures that need some full-fledged editing rather than a simple crop or adjustment of colours. GIMP has all the tools that I need but sometimes I can’t find out how …

Hello world

Hello World

Welcome To The First Post. Should the image above have entertained you for even a fraction of a second, I would like to congratulate you on having as terrible a sense of humour as me, if it didn’t then you are one of the lucky ones. This is the first post up on my newly purchased …